Main Tags Descriptions

  • Setting

    Space and time, the settings and forms of my stories, as well as languages and connections.

    Space-time continuum, or Minkowski space, is a mathematical model that joins space and time into one.

    • The observed rate at which time passes depends on an object's velocity relative to the observer.
    • The strength of gravitational fields slows the passage of time for an object as seen by an outside observer.
  • Offer

    Under this label are gathered all business offers, types of products, and all commerce-related materials.

  • Narrative

    Narratives or stories can be presented verbally, via still or moving images, or through a sequenced combination of media.

    Narrative - an account of a series of related events or experiences, fictional or not.

    Story - tale, accounts of happening, description of a scene or a character, including visuals; technique and process of narrating.

    Narrative Modes

    Many of my texts and visuals contain some forms of narrative presentation. To sort them efficiently, I have combined formal types of writing and narration, most of Nichols' and a few of De Bromhead’s documentary modes, and some other classifications - because no system was sufficient or universal enough for my needs. First, I came up with five modes: expository, linear, observational, participatory, and poetic.

    For my needs though, observation is very close to exposition, linear classic narration I call simply story, and poetic mode became a part of several moods.

    These modes are not entirely mutually exclusive, but I attempt to order my material by most prominent features and tend to assign only one mode label to each piece.

    Other Modes of Narration

    Sets of methods authors or artists often use in verbal works:

    1. By point of view: first-person view, second-person, third, and alternating.
    2. By voice: stream-of-consciousness, voice of a character (both could be unreliable or not credible), epistolary (from writing), and third-person voices.
    3. By time: past, present, and future tense.

    By the way, many paintings are performative: the brushstrokes and line quality matter.

    Documentary mode is a conceptual scheme developed by Bill Nichols that distinguishes particular traits and conventions of various documentary film styles.

    Documentaries - nonfictional stories about some aspect of reality - emphasizing or expressing things as perceived, possibly without distortion or insertion of fictional matter: documentary films, novels, books, comics, animations, etc.

  • Media

    Art media is the material used to create artwork: painting, drawing, photography, videography, animation, crafts, bookbinding, assembly art, and design. Art media depend on methods and materials for creating art and in a more general sense have common characteristics like color, techniques, depiction, etc.

    I strive to provide exceptional archival quality of my paintings for art lovers and collectors while using the most sustainable, minimalist, and environmentally friendly methods of producing hand-made art.

    Work of art in the visual arts is a physical dimensional object that is made to fulfill an aesthetic function.

    Artwork- an artistic production in the graphic or plastic arts, especially small handmade artistic objects.

  • Fruitarianism

    Fruitarian ethics, history, worldview and ideas - theoretical and cultural aspects of fruitarianism, fruitarian lifestyle and diet. 

    Fruitarian ethics: moral principles that govern a fruitarians' behavior, fruitarian moral code, fruitarian values and value system, ideals, fruitarian standards of behavior, fruitarian virtues and conscience.

    Fruitarianism /fruːˈtɛəriənɪzəm/ :

    • a diet that consists entirely or primarily of fruits in the botanical sense, and possibly nuts and seeds, without animal products;
    • a philosophy of non-harming living organism without need, especially animals and plants;
    • a lifestyle that reflects these ethical and environmental values.


Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email

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