• My Areas and Timeline

    I lived in two parts of the World, in Europe and Americas, through two centuries and...

  • Definitions for the Tag System

    2010s, 2020s,... Current states and reflections. This is a collection of my short...

  • Game Night 247

    This gathering is on Saturday, July 13, at 5 pm. After greetings, the plan is this:...

  • Richard Feynman - Fool

    The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person...

  • David Graeber - Obligation

    A debt is the obligation to pay a certain sum of money. As a result, a debt, unlike...

  • Meeting Scheduling

    to reach a useful outcome. We can meet in person or communicate remotely either via a...

  • Release of Liability

    In simple words and legal language. I must make sure you are free and healthy, and...

  • Game Night 241

    Guys, after almost two years, I believe I can host a gathering again. This time I...

  • Dance Circle Game

    enough, I'll demonstrate it in person. The best music accompaniment comes from good...

  • Philosophical Talk Game

    This is my set of 77 philosophical questions, which I have selected from many...


Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email Art@LenaNechet.com

Ask: Send me a quick question from your default email app with this page info.