
Fruitarianism is a quest for optimal ethical ways to live and healthy diets based on fruits and seeds.
The line above is the essence of my worldview as a fruitarian. I am a long-term ethical vegan-fruitarian (frugan) since my teenage years, about 1993.
I advocate for a greater proportion of fruits in human diet for ethical and environmental reasons, which also seems to be rather healthy for most of us.
Since 2007, I ran small and bigger online fruitarian communities. In this section I will gather published there useful articles on fruitarianism related to my own experience, including materials from the International Fruitarian Network (2009-2019).

I am a long term vegan-fruitarian who radically changed her lifestyle as a teenager, at 18, and maintained and adjusted it during two following decades. I doubted fruitarianism, but my fruitarian position remains surprisingly strong. This a short version of my fruitarian story, about five-page read.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Life
- ▼ Fruitarian

I have created the International Fruitarian Network in 2009. I am going to move its most interesting materials here and extend them with time. For now, most articles from data was moved to Data.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Life
- ▼ Fruitarian
Fruitarian diet consists primarily of fruits and seeds in the botanical sense.
- Foundation: edible botanical fruits - preferably fresh;
- Extension: edible botanical seeds - raw, soaked, cooked;
- Addition: flowers, leaves, tubers - gathered without killing the plants;
- Further possible additions: seaweed, mushrooms;
- In some variations of fruitarianism: other ethically sourced additions.
Examples of fruitarian meals:
- a whole melon, followed by a bunch of apricots after a while;
- several large pieces of sweet fruits and a handful of nuts a bit later;
- a savory fruit salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, flax seeds or avocado, and herbs and spices;
- tomato-quinoa salad with avocado and arugula;
- a big bowl of fresh or unfrozen green peas or garbanzo beans.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Life
- ▼ Fruitarian
I was adjusting my definition of fruitarianism for 20 years, periodically changing it after reflecting on what I learned and experienced. You can read it on the top of the page, and the current version is this:
Fruitarianism - a quest for optimal ethical ways to live and diets based on fruits and seeds.
This is the line I just attempted to add to the definition of fruitarianism on the Wikipedia page:
"Fruitarianism can also be viewed as a set of ethical values, including respecting the lives of plants, and their implementation in lifestyle." But I could not find eligible resources to cite.
Wiki is the most popular resource online, and the article dedicated to fruitarianism requires some explanation for most people who are new to the term. In this article, I will also give my personal perspective as a practicing skeptic fruitarian.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Life
- ▼ Fruitarian
- Fruitarian Movement
- Do Fruitarians Eat Only Sweet Fruits?
- Seeds in Fruitarian Diet?
- Amino Acids in Fruits and Seeds
- Calcium Rich Fruits and Seeds
- Fruitarian Food Sources of Zinc
- Non-Sweet Fruit Salad
- Complex Fruitarian Salad with Spices and Herbs
- Satisfying Fruitarian Food Days
- My Credentials
- Private and Public Fruitarian Discussion
- Before You Email Me
- Thank you!
Orchard × 5
All about my little fruitarian orchard in Southern California, US planting zone 10a (extreme minimum temperature 30-35 F or -1 to 1.7 C, USDA Plant Hardiness Zone), founded in 2018. The growing surface is about 0.17 acre (or approximately 688 square meters), and more than half is taken by the native or already established plants, like yucca, pines, palms, schinus, and sago).
This tiny garden is located ~3.5 miles (~5.6 km) from the Pacific coastline, on a hill, and is exposed to strong winds - usually cold, bus sometimes from the desert, blazing southern Californian Sun, and significant daily temperature changes. Lots of wild life visits it, especially birds.
We have very little rain most of the year, and the city water here is very expensive because of the drought conditions. The native soils are very poor, with clay and rocks. I am building the soil up with compost, mulch, and other methods from permaculture, Hügelkultur, and other horticultural techniques.
Plants in my orchard that live many years. I concentrate on trees, bushes, and self-propagating patches.
Data × 218
This is my collections of snippets of scientific data related to fruitarianism, environment, and health - from scientific internet publications and other seemingly credible online sources, with links:
- concise knowledge summaries of results derived by scientific method,
- short aggregated definitions and overviews, citations, expert opinions.
- Primary sources, like governmental agencies, peer reviewed journals;
- Secondary sources, like scholarly articles and expert reviews;
- Tertiary sources, like encyclopedias, dictionaries, and textbooks.
Data - factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation.
Knowledge - the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by humankind.
Definition - a statement of the meaning of a term.
Fruitarians × 44
- Materials from the Fruitarian network of practicing fruitarians, people considering fruitarian lifestyle, supporters and researchers of the fruitarian community.
- Fruitarian discussions - talking about fruitarianism, exchanging fruitarian ideas - conversations and debate about fruitarian topics.
- Plus, interesting people answer fruitarian questions and my responses to publications from a perspective of my version of fruitarianism.