Artworks by me, Lena Nechet, made by hand, digitally, and written.
Hi, my name is Lena Nechet. I am a European fine art painter in California. I make mostly tangible artwork with archival materials in environmentally friendly studio settings. My preferred art genres are abstract portrait and zen-brush gesture.
I care about the beauty of composition and the exactitude of expression. I like to represent ideas and feelings in a limited color palette or black and white. If I have a concept, it usually involves an interaction between ethics and aesthetics. I love honest ambiguity that invites observing life from different angles simultaneously. In my paintings, you might find optically curious elements, complex facial expressions, dimensional transparency, as well as erotic suggestion and figurative abstraction.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
A few words about my art style, and a long list of artists who influenced me, and how.
Art is all about composition to me - color and visual organization of the structural elements - all at once. I love the moments of reaching this unity in beauty. Even my figurative works reflect my own mind's projections into the world.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
My style and influential artists
- Reference Code: LN21A22AB0

The meaning of my art signature is my first name in alternative symbols. The short form of my real name is Lena, and L∃N∀ is my signature art seal. ∃∀ - are math signs, which mean "exists" ∃ and "for all" ∀.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
I work in what I call objective abstraction and follow two of my "unique reality" rules, usually just intuitively. Interestingly, the methods of visual abstraction impacts also my writing.
But first, what is abstraction?
Abstraction as a process is deriving general rules and concepts from specific examples.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
Unique reality and abstraction
- Reference Code: LN21A22AB0
I primarily work with single-pigment professional-grade paints that have the highest lightfastness ratings. I paint with synthetic or ethically sourced brushes and self-made implements, using eco-friendly materials whenever possible and reasonable.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
- I make fine art because I like the immediacy of manipulating matter, unmediated.
- I photograph in motion because the beauty of life is overwhelming.
- I montage films to admire beings in motion and write poems to stay free.
I made a list of 30 art techniques I use often (in bold) and on occasion (in cursive)
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
To simplify and order my verbal and visual presentation, I sort all my manners of display by moods, narrative modes, objects and subjects of representation, and color. I use the terms of narration because the verbal system is founded on visuals in the brain and is analogous to it in many ways.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
Complex message and visualization
- Reference Code: LN21A22AB0
These are my thoughts on sharing unfinished art pieces. Recently, I found myself surrounded by friends next to my empty studio, and they wanted to know why I wouldn't show them anything. Somehow I explained, but later that night I realized that I was not fully truthful.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art

I would appreciate any relevant insight on this idea of a new course:
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art
This is my anthropology research project presentation materials on creating color artwork.
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- Author: Lena Nechet
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- ▼ Art