My favorite creations by other people.
Quotes 184
Featured Quotations
From the early teenage years, I educated myself by writing down my favorite passages from the books I read. Then I analyzed and systematized them, defining my own worldview. I lost my records during migrations, and this is my attempt to keep some of the sayings.
Quotes - expressions full of meaning or beauty, favorite or simply very interesting sayings, concepts, thoughts, ideas, understandings, notions, opinions, views, believes, intentions, and ideals.
I include here my favorite poems, lyrics, as well as koans, proverbs, and longer prose excerpts.
Poem - a verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in an imaginative way, characterized by language chosen for its sound and suggestive power, and by the use of meter, metaphor, or rhyme.
Koan is a puzzling or paradoxical statement to be meditated upon, anecdote, question, or verbal exchanges.