You can book me for two hours to discuss anything relevant to my area of expertise.

I like to be time-efficient and specifically useful, so hopefully we can solve everything in one or two meetings. We will analyze the situation and all available data in a direct dialogue to reach a useful outcome. We can meet in person or communicate remotely either via a videophone app (Skype, Zoom, etc.) or by phone. 

Schedule a Meeting

Please select one of the time slots I keep available on this appointment calendar:

Or contact me directly to schedule a meeting. I try to have only one or two double-hour meetings a day to give you my full attention and energy. A double academic hour meeting will allow for deeper subject immersion and save travel time. An "academic hour" is defined as 50 minutes. An intense part of a double-hour lesson will last 1 hour and 45 minutes, including a 5-minute rest break, plus greetings and a relaxed conclusion of the session will add to the full 2 hours.

The best recurrence for language lessons, according to my experience, is 2-3 times per week: it gives enough time for your brain to process and connect new data, 2-4 nights of sleep to commit the material to the long-term memory between lessons, and such continuity prevents forgetting and fragmentation of knowledge.

Please let me know if you can only meet on weekends. If you need to reschedule or cancel a meeting, please do it 48 hours prior, 24 hours minimum.

For some types of activities light matters, so let's consider the daylight quality, e.g. bright day hours for fine art, or pre-sunset "golden hour" for photography. We can adjust the time after the initial booking.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!


Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email

Ask: Send me a quick question from your default email app with this page info.

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