• Why I don't have Children

    enough people. Wisdom must be shown in actions. I was able to discover the extend of...

  • Custom Artworks

    a place (like a home view), or an abstraction: Fine art portrait - a painting...

  • 7 Adjectives

    to force myself out of sadness through action or radical material changes. Luckily for...

  • Invention

    Imagined forms and invented interactions. Invention is the act of bringing ideas or...

  • Voice

    Remote voice interactions over the phone or internet.

  • Connection

    general notions, conceptions, abstractions, theories, hypotheses, and beliefs and...

  • Science & Technology

    of mathematical models of strategic interactions among rational agents, the science of...

  • Society & Culture

    involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same...

  • Concentration and Work Engagement

    be wasted too easily in faceless interactions. Office workers spend an average of 2.6...

  • My Art Story


Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email Art@LenaNechet.com

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