• Magenta

    red and violet. In the CMYK color model, magenta is one of the three primary colors,...

  • Value

    Value Value ( in HSV model - darkness, or Lightness in HSL model, or Brightness in...

  • Private Art Session

    drawing, I can be your temporary dressed model and give you immediate feedback with...

  • Science & Technology

    Game theory, the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions among rational...

  • One-Page Resume

    - figurative art (450+ hours with life models), abstract art; Videographer, 5 years -...

  • Lena Nechet - Curriculum Vitae

    Figure Drawing (over 450 hours with life models) · Fine Art · Visual Arts ·...

  • In a Shopping Mall - Wool? Leather? Down?

    clothing. It took us 4 hours to find a model of cotton khakis that matches two people...

  • To Selfishness by Mexie Mermaid

    in general, but mostly the neoliberal model, which is inherently detrimental to both...

  • Vegetarianism

    growing impact in the Western world. The model of Mahatma Gandhi, a strong and...

  • Ashley Models for a Film

    portrait on an event. Ashley was modeling for an art directing project.


Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email Art@LenaNechet.com

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