2010s, 2020s, ... Current states and reflections.

This is a collection of my short and longer writings, lifestyle notes and blog, vlog, favorites, quotes, and other publications: the flow of present moments, now, current happenings and activities, mental states, immersion, focus, involvements, moods, feelings, and states of mind.

Plants in my orchard that live many years. I concentrate on trees, bushes, and self-propagating patches.

Annual and biennial plants have a shorter life span, often less than one or two years. Almost all seasonal plants I grow are self-seeding herbs.

I include here plants that are supposed to be short-lived but grow longer in my garden (like onions) and those that could be perennial in warmer climates but considered short-lived here (e.g. tomatoes, though I had mine grow longer than two years).

My gardening style involves an active participation in the growing of a variety of plants in mixed plantings for excitement, beauty, aroma, shade, and food.

Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture.

My first years of gardening are focused on building up soil, making it nutrient-rich and well-balanced over time, and planting trees and perennials, and creating a mini-ecosystem, using sustainable methods like thick mulching with leaves and needles, using prunings for beds, ground-composting, conservative drip-irrigation, propagation, etc.

My responses to publications from a perspective of my version of fruitarianism.


 Essays - short literary compositions, presenting ideas in a non-fictional way.
Notes - brief records, especially written down to aid the memory; comments, explanations.


Services in garden and interior design, as well as personal style consultations:

  • Choice of plants for coastal Southern Californian gardens;
  • Consultations on the artistic decoration of private and public spaces for optimal use and maximal aesthetic pleasure;
  • Personal advice on attire and wardrobe composition, especially in preparations for dating.




Verse is a metrical writing.

Poem - a verbal composition, in which the words are chosen for their sound and for ideas and images they suggest, and are arranged in separate lines, often ending in rhyme.

Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language. This form of art is thousands years old, and originated in Africa.



Mentioning persons or groups of people, especially by name or title, calling attention to specific individuals, responding to works of authors, citations and short quotes.

Name - a term used for identification of a single entity or a category by an external observer; personal names identify individual humans or other beings.

Referent - the entity identified by a name.

Person - a being that has attributes like reason, morality, or consciousness.

Reason - the capacity to draw logical conclusions from new or existing information.

Morality - the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are  right and wrong; following external standards or ethical principles or a having own code of ethical conduct.

Consciousness - awareness of internal and external existence, introspection, metacognition.

Citations, quotes - quotations from a text or speech with significant meaning, references to a published or unpublished sources.

Citation - a reference to a source.

Web links, URLs, to informational resources, other websites, documents, and files.

Discussions - considerations of a subject together, dialogues, group discussions, conversations, formal discourse on a topic,  discussing to explore solutions, examination by argument, informal debate, comments, responses, and reactions.

Dialogue - conversational exchange.

Agreement is harmony of opinion, action, or character, and the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve of or accept.


True stories - my real stories: non-fictional accounts of real events  lived through or witnessed and the ways they changed me. Some of the stories are more like abstract tales with resolutions and possible morals - in cases where to respect he privacy of other participants I need to disguise some of the circumstances in addition to their names and the exact settings.

Linear Mode of Narration

Linear (classic) mode of presentation follows standard three-act structure, based on conflict and resolution as a storytelling arc (tale, novel, saga, anecdote, drama and episode, play and scriptwriting).

Elements of a story :

  1. Character - active, impacted, observed or observing person.
  2. Setting - the place and the time.
  3. Plot, the sequence of events - timeline, scenes, episodes.
  4. Resolution of a conflict - change, solutions, problems that are being solved.
  5. Moral of the story - ethical essence, fundamental principles, teaching or practical lesson, intention, theme.

Story is a narrative based on fact or imagination, an account of occurrences, series of events and relationships forming the basis of a composition - with a plot, a story line (also, chronicle, description, history, narration, narrative, report, fable, fiction, anecdote, tale).


 Actions, doing something, activities, processes, plans to act, active choices, making things happen.


Mentioning people, proper quoting, and linking to sources are the foundational features of this site. I am trying to be diligent with citations.Therefore, I organize all external informational connections in groups: Citation, mentioning: Names of people mentioned; Passages from publications, quotations. Link: Sources of information; Titles of publications containing the facts; Origination of definitions and standards. I also often provide the definitions I use to be more clear. I would like my site to stand out from the sea of misinformation and partial unorganized factual information. I want to make sense. When possible, I summarize my knowledge of the topic the way you see below. Natural languages and sub-cultures are somewhat messy, so by cultivating this habit in myself I make it easier for myself to navigate terminology, and the reader have more instant clarity. Reference References include information about external sources - links, citations, mentions, names, and titles - and point out relations between informational objects. Definition Definitions are statements of the meaning of a term: Intensional - give the sense of a term by naming properties that a thing must have in order to be part of the set. In logic and mathematics, an intensional definition gives the meaning of a term by specifying necessary and sufficient conditions for when the term should be used. Extensional - list the objects that a term describes). Extensional definitions are used when listing the members of a set tells the questioner enough about the nature of that set, or gives more applicable information than other types of definition. Ostensive - convey the meaning by pointing out examples of one or more members of a set, but not necessarily all. A term may have many different senses and multiple meanings, and thus require multiple definitions. Definitions and axioms are the basis on which all of modern mathematics is constructed. Standard Standard is a criterion, an acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value. Standards can be: Objects that under specified conditions represents the unit. Degrees or levels of requirement or excellence. Sets of specifications that are adopted to allow compatibility. Knowledge - useful information, facts, methods, tips, tutorials - presentations of concepts, abstract ideas, general notions, conceptions, abstractions, theories, hypotheses, and beliefs and convictions based on factual information and experience.





Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

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