This is a form of a color wheel, pointing to the disconnect in a physical wavelength on magenta. The warm hues on the right have a warmer muted magenta background than the cool hues on the left. The green and the mind-generated magenta can be both. The colors have similar circular shape, an element of art design, which creates rhythm, an art design principle. The larger circle they create illustrates balance, and the emphasis is on magenta - both also are basic art design principles.
This is a form of a color wheel, pointing to the disconnect in a physical wavelength on magenta. The warm hues on the right have a warmer muted magenta background than the cool hues on the left. The green and the mind-generated magenta can be both. The colors have similar circular shape, an element of art design, which creates rhythm, an art design principle. The larger circle they create illustrates balance, and the emphasis is on magenta - both also are basic art design principles.elements, principles, shape, movement, emphasis