Colors of Red Group
Maroon Red Scarlet
Red is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. In these group I also include colors like scarlet and vermillion.
Its dominant wavelength of approximately 625–740 nanometers. It is a primary color in the RGB and CMYK color models, and is the complementary color of cyan.
Red has historically been associated with danger and courage, but in modern Europe and US red is commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy. In many Asian countries red symbolizes happiness and good fortune.
Split Color Wheel: Shape
Colors Wheel Flower: Harmony
Simple Life
Magic Cactus
Power Grab
Coastal Burn
Arousal by Power
In Enso
Justified Jealousy
Never in Japan
Mitochondrial Eve
Personal Cards and Notes
Dry Blues
Beach Bar
Embroidery Tree
Splendid Waste
Bushido Attitude
Bushido Code
Flower Family
Phytochemicals, Colors, Antioxidants
Tribal Fire
Inorganic Insistence
Foreign Element
Enclosed Ecosystem
La Jolla Canyon
Pink Flower
Fire Element
Air Element
Soil Element
Water Element
Samurai Rise
Touch Extremity
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