- German language services - lessons, translation, and interpreting.
- Deutschsprachige dienstleistungen - Deutschunterricht, Übersetzung und Dolmetschen.

Hi, I am Lena, a multilingual German language instructor and interpreter in Southern California - in San Diego and Orange Counties.
If you book a corporate or private German course through Language Trainers, you are likely to get me as a trainer in this area.
This page would be of interest to you if you are considering me as an instructor or an interpreter.
You should be hiring me to understand the skill of acquiring fluency in German language, to internalize its grammar, and for a practical insight into the most efficient methods of starting speaking the foreign language fast.
About this excersie text: From an interview with professor Ulrich Kutschera, an experimental plant biologist, has published a 712-page textbook entitled “Physiology of Plants. Sensible Vegetation in Action”, 2019 (in German). A long chapter is dedicated to plant intelligence.
Best internet resources for students of German language are listed here.
These are the trusted sources for high quality German language texts and speech. I strongly recommend using German materials only from credible institutions in the beginning.
The latest Daily Show (Tagesschau) - official news from Germany.
The videos are around 15 minutes long. Listen at least once, and for the background listening, repeat a few times while you are doing something that does not require your full concentration.
For the minimal exposure to the spoken German language, listen to the daily 100 seconds of the most important news from Germany, on the first official television channel (ARD).
Short news videos with transcriptions underneath, which match relatively close to the speech in the audio, and to the translations.
- Switch language in the
in the top-left corner of the page.
This resource is very useful for people who know or learn multiple languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, etc.
Current interesting photographs with descriptions in German.
http://hoerspielplayer.wdr3.de/ (categories)
https://www1.wdr.de/mediathek/audio/wdr3/wdr3-hoerspiel/index.html (list)
Radio plays in German - listen to the professionally made audio and download the files. WDR3 is my favorite radio channel in Germany.
Political talk-show on the second official German channel, ZDF.
Listen to gather practical phrases for dialogues, and for good example of argumentation in German.
Philosophie, Lifestyle und die großen intellektuellen Debatten der Gegenwart.
Philosophy, lifestyle, and the big modern intellectual debates.
On Arte you can usually switch the audio language between German and French, and often watch with subtitles in English or Spanish. The videos are normally available for a few months.
Cultural news on Arte, a French-German television channel: how artists see the world.
Most of the videos are available in German and French, some - in English and Spanish.
- Click on the
gear icon
in the bottom-right corner of each short video to switch the language of the audio. - Click on the
language menu
in the top-right corner of the screen to switch the language of the description.