Color Value
Value ( in HSV model - darkness, or Lightness in HSL model, or Brightness in HSB model) - resembles making tints by adding black or gray.
The value of color is defined by its lightness or darkness, its tints and shades, quantity of light reflected, or how close it is to white or black.
Value in art is about relative lightness or darkness of colors that is used to create spatial illusions.
- Dark: low key, with prevalent darker values.
- Light: high key, with prevalent lighter values.
- Achromatic: gray-scale, black and white.
Disinformation Defense
Figure Ground Relationship
Color Contrast Implementation
Color of Light
Square Feelings
Rectangular Feelings
Color Shades: Value & Proportion
Tints: Saturation & Variety
Tones: Line & Rhythm
Complementary Colors
Color Tints
Color Shades
Color Tones
Black to White
All Tags