Mineral Earth
Mineral Earth Pigments
Permanent natural minerals do not fade or change.
Inorganic black carbons and earth mineral iron oxides are permanent and were used since the beginning of art.
I often use hematite, venetian and indian red, siennas an umbers, ochre, iron oxides, and sometimes goethite and caput mortuum.
Some permanent iron oxides were used in the classical palette, with added also inorganic naples and ultramarine:
- venetian and indian red,
- orange and yellow raw and burnt sienna,
- yellow ochre,
- brown raw and burnt umber,
- naples yellow,
- ultramarine blue and violet (lapis).
Unresolved Sadness
High Rise
War Pain
Losbruch by Kollwitz Analysis
Male Planes Study
Female Planes Figure Study
Male Torso Study
Sail Mast
Late Realization
Before Marriage
Night Stop
Day Stop
After Marriage
Lonely Jonas
Entry Level
Virginia Laughing
Competition Contemplated
Crowned Brute
Male Dancer
Open in Vain
Three Ballet Dancers
Five Ballet Dancers
Life Figures and Dancer
Study of Own Face
Life Gesture in Pastel
Night Comes
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