Limited palette - deliberate restriction of the number of color hues or single pigments to use in a picture.
Corner Triangle Supergraphics
Color Contrast Implementation
Analogue Hues - Form & Balance
Complimentary Hues - Emphasis, Space, Contrast
Color Shades: Value & Proportion
Tertiaries: Texture & Pattern
Tints: Saturation & Variety
Tones: Line & Rhythm
Simple Life
Power Grab
Coastal Burn
Capital Concentration
Life Gesture in Pastel
Girl in Blue
Ash Astronaut
Weed Aggression
Personal Cards and Notes
Californian Backyard
Embroidery Tree
Neighborhood Watchtower
Fish Nightmare
Shell Shimmer
Swirl Formation
Bushido Attitude
Bushido Code
Uplifting Depth
Tribal Fire
Fall Religion
Crown Thorn
Inorganic Insistence
Red Curtain
Foreign Element
Tree of Water
Seed Triad
Forced Existence
La Jolla Canyon
Triangulation Wave
Wire Stem
Fire Element
Air Element
Soil Element
Water Element
Samurai Rise
Touch Extremity
Cloud City
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