Main Tags Descriptions


Title Created Date
Fresh Fruit and Microbiom Nutrient Production November 2023
Leonard 2003 - Food for Thought September 2022
Wong 2014 - Rise of the Human Predator September 2022
Raloff 2005 - Still Hungry August 2022
Kenny 2013 - The food addiction August 2022
Live Longer with Better Foods February 2022
Ukrainian Nomads Scyths January 2022
My Flower Tea November 2021
Gain Life Minutes with Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, and Beans August 2021
Lowest Mortality on Fruits and Vegetables August 2021
High Glycemic Index and BMI August 2021
Best and Worst Snacks for Longevity July 2021
Fresh Fruit for Higher Insulin Sensitivity June 2021
Five Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Examples June 2021
Reduced Protein Extends Lifespan with Good Carbohydrates June 2021
Scientists and Philosophers to Research Fruitarianism December 2017
Young People Feel Better Being Given Fresh Fruits February 2017
Complex Fruitarian Salad with Spices and Herbs January 2017
Glycotoxins, Advanced Glycation, dAEG and Cooking December 2016
Seeds in Fruitarian Diet? December 2016
Vlog 16: My Fruitarian Meals, Sorry for my Errors December 2016
Protection with Vegetarian and Vegan Diets October 2016
Fruitarian Food Sources of Zinc October 2016
Carnitine and Microflora October 2016
Dietary Reference Intake DRI October 2016
Estimated Average Requirement EAR October 2016
Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA October 2016
Undernutrition October 2016
Child's Right to Adequate Nutrition October 2016
Overnutrition October 2016
Paleo Diet Based on Fruits and Seeds October 2016
Vegetarian Diets and Heart Disease October 2016
Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Bones October 2016
Whole Fruits for Satiety October 2016
Microflora Differences in European and African Village Children October 2016
Calcium Requirement and Animal Protein October 2016
Calcium Rich Fruits and Seeds October 2016
Tarahumara Runners on Corn and Beans Diet October 2016
New Eating Habit in Three Weeks or a Year October 2016
Socrates - Eat October 2016
Raw Food Enzymes Are Digested October 2016
Serum Vitamin B12 in Children October 2016
Plant-Based Diet October 2016
Negative Effect of Vitamin Supplements October 2016
Fruits and Vegetables Can Save Lives and Money October 2016
Environmental Impact of Animal Food in Diet October 2016
Diets, Environmental Sustainability, and Health October 2016
Citrus Fruits, Apples and Tomatoes and Cancer October 2016
Weight Loss with Fruits and Vegetables October 2016
Bacteria and Archaea October 2016

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Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email

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