Lightweight Art Grounds
- Cotton rags and papers: less than 300 g/m (140 lb. ) - thin and medium-sturdy papers and fibrous support substances that are less sturdy than the heavyweight art grounds.
- Canvases: light cotton ducks with finer texture, under 12 oz. per square yard, or other natural and synthetic textiles hat are used as an artwork support: linen (flax), recycled natural blends, synthetic fibers like repurposed polyester, pellon, nylon, etc.
Usually lightweight artworks need to be mounted or framed for a presentation or hanging on a wall.
Male Planes Study
Female Planes Figure Study
Male Torso Study
Slavic Newspeak
Lonely Jonas
Entry Level
Day Stop
Night Stop
Late Realization
Before Marriage
Competition Contemplated
After Marriage
Open in Vain
Virginia Triangle
Virginia Laughing
Sensual Dream
Arousal by Power
Arrival of the Fourth
Paradise Dilemma
Girl in Blue
Giant Serpent and Ophicleide
Bushido Attitude
Bushido Code
Twilight Meditation
Separation Twilight
Night Comes
Samurai Rise
Touch Extremity
Texture of a Day
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